Sunday, October 14, 2012

Carole Radziwill

Here's the thing. I'm smart, ok? I read a legitimate news source every day or at least every other day, I have opinions about politics, I know all about global warming. However, I absolutely love the Real Housewives, particularly the New York and Beverly Hills variety.
I feel like Ramona needs to fire her stylist this season. Things have gone so wrong.

I have tried to analyze why I love this reality show so very much, while I have limited patience for other mindless reality drivel like the Bachelor/Bachelorette (shout out to my girl Steph-she's smart too, you guys). Sadly I haven't been able to distinguish why I'd so much rather watch a group of forty year old women behaving badly then watch some attractive people fall fake-in-love, but I'm ok with my obsession. You know who else love the Real Housewives? Tina Fey.

This season, the Bravo producers decided to MIX THINGS UP, and they fired a buncha ladies from the original cast, and brought in three new questionably sane women to revive the show. Enter my newest obsession, Carol Radziwill.

I'm not totally sure how she ended up on the show. She's the kind of person that is actually respected in real life, and her refusal to engage in petty drama is both charming and frustrating on a show that is about women engaging in petty drama. Carol is a former ABC news producer, from back when that meant something. Her show got an Emmy for a piece they did on Cambodia, and she has spent time in Afghanistan and Vietnam doing real, serious news stuff (which I read: see above).

I think this is her in Thailand. Loving the look, Carole!
In Afganistan. See, this is why I wish I had naturally straight hair. When you find yourself in a war zone, you can still look put together.

In her mid twenties, she met Anthony Radziwill, a work colleague, and they fell in love. Around that time, she found out that he was a prince, of Poland, and that he was first cousins with John F. Kennedy Jr., and later, his wife Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy. Very glamorous so far, yes?

Then, and this is all detailed in her book What Remains, Anthony was diagnosed with testicular cancer. She married him shortly after this, well aware of his illness but also optimistic. He died five years later, three weeks after her best friends JFK Jr. and Carolyn died in a plane crash. Unbelievable.

I fell in love with her on the show before I read her book and fully knew her background. What I quickly found out from watching the show is that she is funny, laid-back, has an incredible sense of style, and is able to hit on a man twenty years younger than her at a vintage store, get rejected, and STILL seem like the winner in that exchange. Then, once I knew her whole story, I also admired her for surviving losing the three people closest to her, and writing about it so eloquently.

Well, this picture maybe bugs me a little bit. It's kind of smug.

I also like that the first time you see her, she's a bit scary looking, a little crypt creeper. But after watching her be herself for a few minutes she become so attractive. I always like when less conventionally attractive women are acknowledged as attractive, 'cus we can't all have Grace Kelly style bone structure, y'know?

If you can't tell, this obsession has occasionally veered into borderline unhealthy, but I got it a bit under control by listening to her read her own audio book through Audible.

I think the obsession may wane as we head into the Real Housewives reunion specials-that's the three part episode where the ladies have all finally seen the season and are now aware of all the shit being talked behind backs. The first one just aired and Carole is really getting called to task for that one. Also, she has a new fiction book out called The Widow's Guide to Dating, and I'm sorry, but that I just can't get behind. Still, it's been fun while it's lasted.

You can check out Carole's website here.

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